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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Using Your Body To Strengthen Your Mind

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For thousands of years, physical disciplines like yoga, Tai Chi and Sufi Dancing have been said to increase mental and spiritual powers. If this is true, how might one explain this, and even better, how can we use this fact, practically, to enhance our lives as artists, business people, parents, and partners?

First, we have to strip away the mysticism from the activity. Not that these activities have no esoteric aspect, but rather that we have to approach them on the most down-to-earth level. The higher the tree, the deeper the roots. The taller the building, the deeper the foundations. If you want to soar, be certain that your tether is strong. So we need to start with a simple, physiological explanation (if possible!) and then suggest a way that this ties in to advanced artistic accomplishment, relationship skills, intellectual clarity, and spiritual growth.

My own enlightenment in this regard came from studying the work of Coach Scott Sonnon, the first American martial artist to train in the former Soviet Union. While there, this brilliant man met Russian sports and performance scientists who had been studying indigenous health system in the Ural Mountains for a century. There, they found movement and wellness concepts equivalent to anything in China or India. They shared many of these concepts with Sonnon, and invited him to share them in turn with Americans. Over the years, Coach Sonnon has created hundreds of books, videos and essays on his interpretations of this core knowledge.

Perhaps the single most important in terms of Body-Mind is what he calls the “Flow State Performance Spiral.” In order to relate this breakthrough thinking in such a short essay, we’ll have to condense considerably:

1) All physical technique is composed of three aspects: breathing, movement, and structure.

2) Each of these aspects is controlled by the other two (breath is created by movement and structure, etc.)

3) Stress “dis-integrates” this structure. In other words, when you are under stress, the physiological signs will manifest in your breathing rate or shallowness, your posture, your muscle tension. This is why lie detectors work!

Before he died, Hans Selye, the creator of the “stress” concept, said that he had misspoken himself, that it is not stress that hurts us, it is strain. Stress is the pressure we are under. But strain is the degree to which that stress warps us out of true.

Stress is not the enemy. In fact, when handled healthfully, it is the primary trigger for growth. So the key is to avoid strain.

Let’s skip around a bit to a truth about artistic and intellectual pursuits: your ability to utilize your intelligence, education, skills, mind or talents will be in direct proportion to your ability to maintain “flow” under stress. Or to put it another way, in life, we are rewarded for how much stress we can handle without folding. Writer’s block, for instance, is nothing but a poor reaction to performance stress.

Combining these ideas, what we have is that mental and emotional balance under stress leads to excellence. Combine this with the fact that learning to cope with physical stress develops skills that are tremendously applicable to the mental arena. The most vulnerable portion of the “Flow State” triad (breath, movement, structure) is breathing. Proper breathing will be degraded by stress before you can detect it in posture or muscle tension. This is one of the reasons breath control is addressed in most religions and spiritual disciplines, whether this is through pranayama (yoga), exercise, hymns, ritual prayers, dance, or sacred postures.

A good yoga teacher, for instance, will place the student in a posture sufficiently extreme to force total concentration. When the student learns to relax and focus, that posture becomes relatively easy, and a more extreme posture is given. The point is to teach the student to monitor their own internal process. Fine martial arts or breathing meditation teachers use similar techniques.

The student learns to recognize the early signs of strain, and to dissipate them. NOTHING in life creates more stress than lack of oxygen, and learning to remain calm in the midst of oxygen debt will teach you to remain calm when the children are screaming, when your boss is on the rampage, when someone cuts you off on the freeway.

Or when you have a writing deadline, or when insecurity and fear hammers at the door of your resolve.

Deliberately practicing a physical discipline to enhance this quality of calmness and centeredness, while simultaneously working toward goals balanced in body, mind, and spirit, exposes you to the currents of life while helping you develop the skills and strategies necessary to excel. This, over time, leads to excellence, even in a purely mental arena.

There are numerous disciplines that will teach proper breathing under stress, and this article has listed a few. If you wish to reach your maximum potential as a mental, spiritual, and emotional being, seek one of these techniques out, and integrate it into your life. It is one of the best investments you could ever make in your future.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Why Do We Need to Control Anger?

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It is often difficult to preserve control of your natural impulses while others close to us make us angry. It can be still more difficult with the cost of living raising every year and bringing more pressure into our lives, and as if that is not sufficient the legal and political system is regularly putting more stress on us everyday.

Most of us deal with the stressors in life as they come our way, but a few of us cannot and become out of control. Management is frequently the best answer for treating anger; but then, the individual must be ready to admit their actions are leading to more problems and be prepared to obtain a solution.

If a person react violently, verbally abusive, assaulting others and so on, it not only leads to trouble for the person that is out of control, it also causes difficulties for others. Normally when a person has anger issues he or she will attack other people perhaps physically or mentally or even both. The angry person will often attack in a way that belittles, humiliates, harms, or threatens another. This person truly needs to learn to manage his or her anger, because anybody around him or her is affected to a certain amount.

Anger is mainly the inability to restrain our basic impulses, needs and emotions. If a person is out of contact with his emotions, it frequently creates a chaotic mind. Anger is not necessarily a bad thing, when and if a person is threatened; it is always good to have an amount of anger to protect you, but when a person doesn't have any control at all then it will lead to problems.

Anger, sadness, joy and happiness are all parts of our emotions, and when we have those emotions in control we can live a productive life. However, when we begin to target or attack others then it is more and more difficult for us to handle our life and anger.

One clearly recognized example is school bullying, for a few children going to school is a nightmare, each day a bully will antagonize this child pushing him beyond his limit of control. The child may hold his feelings in for a period, but eventually he or she is going to loose control, due to the fact that none of us is prepared to continue permitting someone to make our lives miserable.

Sorry to say, when this child gets to his or her limit and returns the attack on the other youngster, he then becomes the culprit and is frequently punished. The bully could quite often get away with his actions, and once the victim takes action he or she is frequently punished. The school personnel will often say why didn't you tell me what was going on? However, the fact is the child most likely told the personnel and in my experiences, they seldom act. The out come is that now we have two children with anger troubles and more people in trouble. This is merely one of the numerous reasons why a person cultivates anger to the point at which they feel they have to retaliate.

Each time we are angry we feel it in our body and mind. Our body will often tense up if we feel angry. If you feel this tension then it is time to step back and take control. Ask yourself, why am I mad? Why do I feel this way? Asking yourself questions might help you find the answers if you search your mind hard enough.

Generally after a person has developed a level of anger that is out of control, they will frequently strike out at people even if there is no justifiable reason. The person may have just moved something that belonged to that person and they respond by saying something like, you stupid moron, why in the hell did you move my belongings? I cannot believe how stupid you are. Why do you bother breathing? This is completely inappropriate behavior; the angry person may attack physically by kicking, hitting, punching, spitting, or causing other types of harm to the individual. It is vital to get management in play if you have anger problems.

If you cannot control your emotions then one day, someone will control them for you. Anger is great if you have it under control, but when you loose control somebody, someday will pay and that someone in most cases will be you as well as the trail of victims you leave behind you.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Life Coach Weekend Certification

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Life Coach Weekend Certification: Why You Need It

If you were a life coach by profession, would you not mind getting certification to prove your
point? Several states across the country are already strictly pushing the regulation of getting a
certification for this kind of profession. Life coaching career is a particularly dynamic field so you
will need to be capable of being flexible. You must ensure that you are capable of actually
provide help to the people who need it most and to be able to create drastic positive changes in
their lives and in their careers. It's like a domino effect. You help other people gain their
personal successes while you also work on your own gains.
The life coach weekend certification is inherently not cheap. For one, you will be cutting down
the required eighteen-month period for the accomplishment of the prerequisites. Meaning to
say, you will have to invest greater amount of money to get certification faster. Some websites
will give you quotes for the life coach weekend certificate that ranges between $4,000 and
Most certification awarding firms and agencies henceforth have other fees to be incurred which
may be the double of the initial payment made. Life coaching is a new entry in the corporate
world but its fame is rising continuously.
Some of the life coach certification agencies are unable to battle the challenges posed by time
itself. They come up and then get abolished in no time because of the lack of credibility to
handle the business field. Therefore, you must be very careful when choosing the agency or
firm where you will work your life coach weekend certification with.
As a life coach, you must understand the vital relation of the cognitive skills and knowledge to
your career. These factors are much important than the existing habits and attitudes you have.
Your skills and knowledge are much more empowered by your educational and training
experiences as you gain more mastery through time. This explains the occurrence of failure and
incompetence. Logically speaking, a life coach who is well abreast with the ins and outs as well
as the ups and downs of life coaching will be able to determine all his strengths and weaknesses. And no one is highly responsible other than yourself for all your personal gains
and failures in line with your career.
Having a life coach certification is actually a plus point to you because it only shows that you are
competent enough to handle such task. (But it is unfair to set aside the competence of other
people who may in truth are uncertified life coaches but in reality, they are actually really good in
their fields.)
Life coach trainings will equip you with the necessary tools and processes as well as the
effective approaches that will work well with the diversified kinds of clients that may come your
way. When properly executed and good strategies are employed, life coaching is expected to
create a positive output.
Life coaching can be a rewarding career if only you know how to be in control of the things
around you. Know how to play the game and know how to handle your clients. But before you
go on with the practice, might as well get a certification as clients put more trust on certified life
coaches. They will not opt to waste money for nothing.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Fruits Of Pure Happiness

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Any dictionary will give you the definition of happiness as an emotional feeling which parallels
with joy, contentment, and pleasure. But then these things can thus be temporary. It matters to
dig deeper into the real meaning of happiness€”a happiness that is pure and long lasting.
What makes you happy? Is it the material things such as money, clothes, signature footwear
and bags? Do you go for long-term states of happiness such as security, stable health, and
love? Which do you value the most? Have you gained access to pure happiness? When was
the last time you felt pure happiness? Have you given your all to a certain endeavor and you felt
satisfied with all those efforts you've placed?
Pure happiness is said to be both an inner glow and an outer radiation that you can feel
together with an utmost satisfaction.

Recognizing pure happiness is a must. There are several occurrences when you have been
misled to the real deal with pure happiness and simple pleasure. To mark a definition between
the two, it is vital that you know the exact difference that comes with the two terms. Pleasure is
a thing of feeling terrific over something. Examples of pleasurable experiences are a vacation
over the holidays, a spa treat during the weekend, a good basketball game, and so on.
Meanwhile, pure happiness is far from feeling emotionally at ease. It goes more beyond
enjoyment. In pure happiness lies contentment and engrossment.
So what is it that let people have pure happiness? Researchers have identified factors that can
fully describe pure happiness in a person. They say that people from all walks of life experience
true happiness but are just too occupied to pay any attention to it simply because they fail to
recognize what pure happiness and pleasure mean.
Among the significant clues of pure happiness are being totally immersed with what you are
doing, when you have your full participation on an event or engagement, when you are enjoying
to the extreme but you've certainly got no idea with regards to the time, to the passing day, to
the other occurrences taking place in your surroundings, and the genuine satisfaction that you
feel. These are the instances that can tell you that you've got nothing but pure happiness in your
mind and heart.

Pure happiness is actually a state wherein you feel like going along with the flow. You seem to
be going along with the rock and roll that sets off smoothly, hassle-free, and effortlessly. It can
be compared to an experience wherein the ticking of the clock suddenly stops and you become
totally oblivious of the things that go on around you.

Pure happiness is a great feeling of satisfaction which is totally incomparable to the simple
pleasures you get when you see your favorite baseball team winning. Pure happiness is felt
when you overcome a challenge which has been posed to you.
There is chance of pure happiness for every individual. Do not be taken aback by the negative
thought that pure happiness is only meant for other people. You deserve to experience pure
happiness. When pure happiness comes your way, you can attest to how blessed you are as a
person. Therefore, take time to reconcile things and occurrences in your life. Never fail to give
importance to the value of pure happiness.